Monday, December 5, 2011

pathetic me ^^v

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim and Assalamualaikum W.B.T

i don't actually know wat to do at this time right now but at 10pm earlier tonight i ate my dinner. then we sat that down to watch the tv. suddenly there was "Pakar Kejelitaan" show. it was about beauty and everything. then there was the weight thingy. the expert said one of the way to prevent from bloated stomach is avoid eating 2hours from sleep. so,you understand my situation right ? hahaha :D who wants to have "perut buncit" right ? xD so, i decided to open the laptop and update of course ! :D

and here it begins. *drumroll please ><

everyone has feelings right ? Allah has given us mind to think. we are encouraged to use it wisely so that we wouldn't be deflected from our pure religion :) my ustaz pernah ckp even girls with girls and boys with boys bole ade perasaan sesama sndiri. thats why homoseksual to wujud. because Allah mmg bagi perasaan untuk manusia. but of course kita tak digalakkan untuk ade hubungan sebegitu kan ? :) kalau setakat kasih sayang between friends tu bole la. normal la tu kan ? :) even i love my friends. who doesn't right ? :) allah sndiri m'haramkan kita memutuskan hubungan antara sesama saudara. bukan putus hubungan couple tu sume. i mean sesama islam. if we gaduh dgn kwn about something, just forgive and forget. islam menggalakkan bende camtuhh. jgn la smpai sminggu tk bertegur sbb Nabi S.A.W prnh bersabda : 

"tidak halal bagi seorang muslim tidak bertegur sapa saudaranya lebih dari tiga hari, berjumpa keduanya maka berpaling seorang ke tempat dan seorang lagi ke tempat lain. yang lebih baik daripada dua orang ini ialah siapa yang memulakan salam."
as for me, me too have feelings towards girls. to friends, that's a must. but this is a lil bit different. kat hostel nie, ade satu budaya "BERANGKAT". for those yang tk biase, msti mcm "berangkat? as in berangkat ke suatu destinasi?" no. not that one. i mean as in adek or kakak or abg angkat kinda stuff. adat la tu kat asrama. tnye la mane2 skolah kat malaysia. msti ade punye. kalau negara lain, i donno sbb i school here. in  MALAYSIA :) i'm actually not that kind of person yg suke bnde2 mcm tuhh. but i donno how and when ,,,,, that feeling started to came. it's weird. i don't like it. seriously ! ><

as i remember it i started to have this kinda feelings when i was in form2.
it's the first day of registration for the form1 students.
i donno how but i like tall girls. i suddenly have interest on these two kids.
they were tall. taller than me btw -__-

Azimah Maliki and Syahirah Sujangi
sweet 14 <33

aku minat gitu2 je sbb aku tau aku tk suke bnde2 camnie kn so that's it la psl dorang. i dont think dorang tau kot psl bnde nie. hahaha :D okay. fullstop. zip it ! :)

next story ............. drumroll please ><

i present to you 

Nisa Sophia
sweet 14 <33

this girl, i donno. dia rmai sgt peminat sehh. susah betul ! >< aku minat gitu2 je. tp tahun nie baru plus++ donno how and donno when. :\  kakak angkat dia rmai sgt. terAMAT let me see ......... ifah then tri retna then ........... ifah balik ! last part tu mmg aku bnci sbb mse dia single lagi available tuhh, dia ckp dia da malas nak berangkat2 nie sume. dia ckp dia da penat. aku pulak "haih, tkpe la. org da tk nk. biar je la :(" aku pulak org nye honest, so aku pun bg tau la da lama aku minat dia. semenjak dia form1 lagi. tp respond dia just "eh ? ye ke ? bile? kita tak tau pun :)" aku pun "ye la. da lama. dari awk form1 dulu. kwn2 awk pun perasan. cube tnye dorang :') "

hmm, aku rase pathetic sgt sbb aku punye minat kat dia sgt2 dasyhat smpai aku bnci sgt tgk muka dia ngan kakak angkat ifah dia tuhh. ye la, aku tau dia da tk nk berangkat, dia tau perasaan aku kat dia tp last2 dia berangkat jugak ngan ex-sis dia tuhh. which is my classmate. haih -___- pathetic kan ? sumpah aku rase mcm org bongok sgt sbb ade perasaan mcm tuhh kat girl. pastu aku benci dia. keje bodoh kn tu ? yg paling bingit tu, budak tu tk perasan langsung yg aku tk tegur lngsung right after aku tau kebenaran yg benar lagi nyata tuhh. >.< but now, i can accept the fate yg dia mmg tk bole jdi adik aku. so, hope u two sisters will be happy together :') <33

Nurun Nadhifah and Nisa Sophia
sweet siblings <33

carry on ........ (byk lagi nie ^^v)

Halimatul Sa'diah
sweet 13 <33

lawa kan dia ? i love her. so much. and will always do. my first adik angkat. donno how but it just so sudden. we became sisters on the 28th March 2011. we separate because she liked someone else. its so heartbreaking that time. i actually cried. #merepek kn ? -__-
after that, i hated her so much. i can't even look at her face and her new kakak. i became the most snobbish person ever in her life. #i think so -__-  before we break, she fell sick. her migraine came and she cant even sit. so i came to her dorm and see her. i think its the first time i cared so much about someone. before i went back to my dorm, i kissed her on the forehead and said good night. that was also my first time kissing a girl on the forehead except for my lil sister of course but that was a really long time ago :) my heart was touched. i donno but that time i had a feeling that she loved me too as her sister. but i was wrong. she still liked that kakak. they even replied letters with each other. but with me, satu pun tidak. haram >.<
time passed and we're finally friends again and thats the way i like it ;)

Ummi Amalina
sweet 17 <33

and we move on to next story ^.^

Anisa Aqila
sweet 14 <33

ini budak sgt comel. aku minat dia, bole tahan la. and tk sangka pulak dia pun sama jgak. ptut la bila aku dtg tempat dia ngan kwn2 die, dia tk lari pun. siap rilek je duduk sebelah aku and i really like that :) tp tk sangka pulak dia bole berangkat ngan sorang budak nie. satu dorm ngan dia, sebaya ngan aku tp paling aku tk suke adalah kakak dia tu budak paling aku tk kamceng dlm batch kiteorg.

Anisa Aqila and Atifah Najwa
sweet siblings <33

tk byk nak diceritakn tentang mereka berdua nie sbb kakak dia nie sensitive sikit. hehehe ^^ may you guys be happy je la okeyy ? peace out ! ^^v

tadi kata byk lagi tp mcm da sengkek idea la pulak. hehehe itu lah kisah nye tentang saya dan perasaan saya terhadap budak perempuan. :) please dont have negative thoughts on me cause ade org tu lebih teruk dari saya. xD but most importantly, dont judge people too easily cause nobody's perfect :)

thats's all from me. SAYONARA ! :)

thanks for reading earthlings ! :)