Bismillahirahmanirrahim and Assalamualaikum W.B.T
one day, a wise man came to my school and had given a talk about Islam. he said something that i will always remember,Insya-Allah :)
"kelemahan wanita terletak pada mulutnya,
tetapi kelebihannya terletak pada telinganya"
which means
"her weakness lies in her mouth,but her advantage lies in the ears"
if you think about it thoroughly, you will know what i mean. if we take from the negative viewpoint, girls know more about gossips and all those stuffs other than guys. they will be like "what ? hot news ? really ? about what ?" they will want to know anything straightaway. then they will talk about it. over and over again. even if their friends knew about it, they will still talk about it. make sense right ? because us ladies like to talk. a lot. and we definitely have sharp ears. But God didn't create it for bad things. He wants us to use it wisely. Use our ears to hear and our mouths to say good things. not gossiping or talk back about others weaknesses. it's rude and absolutely make the person sad if he/she knows about it.
so, the moral of the story, lets us together think about it and together change ourselves to be a better person than we are now :)