Bismillahirrahmannirrahim and Assalamualaikum W.B.T
work or give tuition ? go back to spore or just stay here ? actually i just want to run away from my problems. far far away from it. maybe with work, it can ease my mind a lil bit . haih -_- because of you, everything is not right. do you think its the right thing to DUMP me? i dont want to put the blame on you but i think you're the main reason of all this. betul dia ckp, "bile couple, i love you forever. bile break i dont want to see you face forever. " lahai -_- betul ckp adele, "sometimes it last in love but sometimes it hurts instead." it really hurts when you're heartbroken. it really does. everything is sweet when you're fallin in love. haih -_-i really love him huh ? i donno why but i just do. i really do. its not that i have high hopes on this relationship but i just hope it would at least last for a year, but i think its not going to happen right ? :( soon enough we're going to break up. i've got that bad feeling . >< oh god ! the most hurtful is that i guess he's giving me the chance to say that STATEMENT. that horrible statement. the most UNWANTED thing to me. >< YA ALLAH ! i'm so confuse right now. i cant even sleep ! >< what should i do ? ya allah , please give me guidance ! :'(