Bismillahirrahmanirrahim and Assalamualaikum w.b.t
alhamdulillah, walaupun bulan 1 ni kne stay kat asrama selama sebulan tp dpt 4hari cuti and get to meet my family :') homework serious byk gile and still tk dpt siapkn :O
life kat asrama nmpknye semakin tak best. the rules are getting strict. the Form 1 students ....... donno what to say bout them. my roommates, entahlah. but, school was AWESOME ! xD the teachers are great,classmates. i even got Tahfiz-which i never even expected xD
last year results, i got 5th place in class even though got one subject failed. so this year, because the new students were so many, the school doesn't have enough classes for them. so, for us Form 5, me and 12 others had to join the Tahfiz class because there were only few of them. at first, we had to join bukhari whenever tahfiz have their hif classes. but soon, we thought it was really inconvenience for us. imagine, changing classes every morning except for thursday which is on the afternoon. after the first week, we decided we dont want to do that anymore. so now, whenever hif classes, us - 13 students would just do our own work. usually there will be homework that we didnt get to finish the night before ;D
asrama pulak, well - PRISON. buat salah sikit, terus report kat warden then malam tu terus kene punishment. sepanjang bulan 1, only two punishment were conducted sebab kiteorg semua dah serik sangat >..< the first punishment, kne istighfar for i donno how many times then around 11pm baru masuk dorm. the second one was, they had to solat taubat at surau. alhamdulillah Fah tk kne tp kesian lah kat diorang :/ punishment tu mmg lah bagus untuk kerohanian tapi ...... :/
think about the bright side :') untuk kebaikan kita jgak kot. nak tingkatkan disiplin maybe. as students, kita memang kne bnyak sabar kan :')
insyaallah :')
dah 17 ni, ustz ngan ustzh selalu cakap pasal kebaikan amek STAM. lagi2 ustz Zainudin, "kalau awak masuk Maahad Johor, awak dah selangkah dah nak masuk mane2 universiti." haih, dia cakap STAM tu dah peringkat diploma. setahun je. tp kalau aliran biase, 2-3 tahun :/ my plan was NOT to go to Maahad Johor. after SPM, apply for any polytechnics in Singapore and insyaallah proceed to my dream of being a PHOTOGRAPHER or a chef ;) ape yang diorang semua cakap tu serious buat aku fikir 2 kali >_< but seriously, hati aku memang dah tak ke aliran arab ni semua. alhamdulillah sangat2 sbb result SMA aku dapat jayyid. lebih dari cukup sngat dah tu :')
kalau dah final year, mesti nak kumpul markah ko-ko banyak2 :D alhamdulillah, tahun ni dpt jawatan Ketua Dorm, Setiausaha kelas and Bendahari Rumah Biru and insyaallah masuk syarahan inggeris mase ihtifal nnti :') harap2 dapat kalahkan competitor yg lain. ade competitor baru pulak tuhh >_<
insyaallah, dengan doa - usaha - ikhtiar - tawakal :')
well, that's all i guess. hari ni dah nak balik asrama. hope everything will be better :')